What is Quadratic Funding?
In order to avoid the neglect of non-mainstream projects and uneven distribution of resources due to the abandonment effect, ticket allocation, 80/20 rule, etc., Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum, Zoë Hitzig, an economist at Harvard University, and Glen Weyl, chief economic researcher at Microsoft proposed "Quadratic Funding" in 2018. Quadratic Funding is calculated and allocated based on quadratic voting (such as government budgets, charitable or corporate sources, collected directly from participants), with the purpose of making resource distribution more even.

What did Vitalik Buterin, Founder of Ethereum, think about Quadratic Funding?
Cooperation with Presidential Hackathon

The quadratic voting method is a set of collective decision-making procedures. Voters involved in decision-making express preferences and the degree to which they prefer by allocating votes. In this way, quadratic voting attempts to solve common problems of majority voting, such as voting paradoxes, abandonment effects, and vote allocating. In order to promote the advantages of Quadratic Voting, in response to the Presidential Hackathon’s goal of solving issues related to Taiwan’s sustainability, and to support the sustainable development of excellent start-up projects, TABEI held Quadratic Funding event at N24 ARK.TPE.
Competition Rules
Top 5 teams of 2022 and top 20 teams before 2022. Teams of 2022 would be considered first
Fill in the Registration Form
Each proposal team is limited to 2 participants, and they will present on stage according to the order of the competition number, and the briefing must be completed within 6 minutes
Scoring Mechanism
Feasibility 40% - already has information inside or outside the organization, regulations allowed or may be adjusted, and the results can be actually imported into the operation of public services and the possibility of applying to blockchain scenarios
Social Impact and Public Participation 30% - Meeting social and public needs, highly replicable, public participation in Quadratic Funding
Innovativeness 30% - the degree of innovation in cross-field cooperation, scalability of innovative services and technologies
Fund Distribution
The total bonus is 10,000 USD equivalent crypto currency. Funds are distributed according to the voting mechanism of the Quadratic Funding,
Distribution Method
The participating teams must provide the receiving address of the crypto currency wallet. After the public review and voting is completed, the organizer will calculate the rewards for each team according to the smart contract, and distribute the voting results to the receiving address provided by the participating teams on the day of the event according to the announced voting results

N24 ARK.TPE is a blockchain innovation incubation base. It is operated by TABEI. It provides a wide, transparent and multi-functional space. Through various activities, gather rich and complete industrial resources and develop blockchain innovation settlements.
N24 Taipei North Ark will provide a platform for co-creation and communication between enterprises and new ventures, accelerate the matching of resources such as talents, technology, capital and business, and use the experimental field of virtual and real integration to demonstrate the innovative combination of blockchain technology and business concepts. Service verification attracts the attention of potential users at home and abroad.
As part of the "Eastern District Gateway Project", N24 ARK.TPE is located at the hub of Xinyi, Nangang and Neihu districts, bringing together business and development opportunities to jointly develop new industry corridors. In addition, with the goal of promoting the development of the blockchain ecosystem, it assists industry players to enter the international market.
Timeline on Sept. 28th

Attendees Voting Proccedure

Quadratic Funding
In the world of Web3, we solve various problems through community autonomy. The quadratic voting method is a set of experimental tools to eliminate uneven distribution.